Downe Manor Primary School

Downe Manor, where everybody has the opportunity to be inspired to reach their full potential through memorable learning experiences


In the National Curriculum 2014 it states:

It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.

At Downe Manor Primary School we believe each child benefits from a broad and rich curriculum that is inspiring, ambitious and provides memorable learning experiences. Children should be ready for their next stage in education equipped with lifelong transferable learning skills.

Curriculum intent

Through a broad and rich curriculum children:

Attain the knowledge that prepares them for secondary school; an understanding of the world around them and the contributions they can make as citizens; and the opportunities that address the socioeconomic inequality of our local area.

Downe Manor Primary School follows the National Curriculum and is planning discreet subject progression maps for each year group from Reception to Year 6.

We are working to design a Downe Manor Curriculum which is:

  • Balanced
  • Rigorous
  • Coherent
  • Vertically Integrated
  • Appropriate
  • Focused
  • Relevant
  • Inclusive

Balanced: Teachers will have to leave out or move some elements of the curriculum to allow more time for even more important elements and fundamental aspects.

Rigorous: Each subject discipline needs to develop disciplinary habits of mind through sustained engagement with the discipline.

Coherent: Connections are made explicit between different aspects of the curriculum; especially in reading.

Vertically Integrated: What is taught builds upon previous teaching so that progression is intrinsic.

Appropriate: The curriculum is designed on a year-by-year basis to ensure coherence across subjects.

Focused: Teachers focus on the ‘Big Ideas’ – the most important ideas in a subject

Relevant: Teaching ideas in a way that is engaging, interesting and motivating for pupils. 

Inclusive: All children have access to the curriculum.

Our curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced to ensure progression and depth in each subject so that learners will accumulate the knowledge needed for future learning.



All teachers attend professional development to ensure they have the subject knowledge to design and plan schemes of work that build upon prior knowledge, are inclusive and inspire children’s curiosity. Teachers use evidence based research to underpin the teaching strategies at Downe Manor; Rosenshine’s Principles help teachers deliver effective daily lessons as there is a deeper understanding about how children learn best and learn more.

Lesson series are planned and sequenced to ensure progression and depth in each subject.

They may include:

  • An information sheet including subject specific vocabulary
  • A question square to assess prior and post knowledge and understanding
  • The teaching of key vocabulary
  • A quiz to help pupils commit learning to long term memory
  • Opportunities for ‘deliberate practice’ so that children have a ‘schema’ to apply to new learning eg. spellings or multiplication tables

Visitors and trips are planned to give pupils opportunities to learn from experts and enthusiasts, and benefit from hands-on experience.

The curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of pupils with SEND, developing their knowledge, skills and abilities to apply what they know and can do with increasing fluency and independence.

Subject Leaders work with teachers to assess the children’s progress against the agreed end point. They ensure that the curriculum as taught addresses gaps in knowledge.

For information about how our curriculum meets the needs of pupils with SEND and how we address our responsibilities under the equalities duty please see the relevant pages on the website.


Progress is measured against the intended outcomes through teacher assessment and tests.

Subject and Senior Leaders evaluate the impact by lesson observation, work scrutiny and pupil interview to ensure pupils:

  • Read widely and often, with fluency and comprehension appropriate to their age
  • Apply mathematical knowledge, concepts and procedures appropriate for their age
  • Develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum

Each subject has long and medium-term planning detailing what the children learn in each year.  These can be viewed on our curriculum subject pages.

Click here for the Curriculum Long Term Overview

For information on SMSC and British Values at Downe Manor Primary School click here

Click here for 2022 Spring Term SMSC

Click here for the Primary National Curriculum