Downe Manor Primary School

Downe Manor, where everybody has the opportunity to be inspired to reach their full potential through memorable learning experiences


Science curriculum

Intent: What does the curriculum intend to do? What do you want the children to learn, and what skills do you want them to acquire? Be clear on exactly what these aims are. What do your teachers think is the objective in teaching science?

  • Having oversight of curriculum coverage and ensuring that the curriculum meets national requirements.
  • Ensuring that colleagues are aware of expectations.
  • Action planning for future development.
  • Ensuring that appropriate resources are in place to deliver a rich and challenging curriculum.

Implementation: How do you put your curriculum plans into practice, and how do you ensure that your intent is being carried out? How likely it that the teaching methods used is will deliver the teacher’s objectives for each subject?

  • Ensuring that teaching within the subject is strong and promotes the acquisition of key knowledge, building on prior learning.
  • Leading professional development, providing guidance and support to colleagues.
  • Oversee assessment.
  • Making best use of financial and human resources to impact on standards.
  • Promoting the subject and championing the subject with colleagues and pupils.

Impact: What progress do your children make? Have the children learnt what they are supposed to? Have they gained the knowledge and skills that they need? What is the potential impact on the subject teaching on the pupils?

Monitoring the effectiveness of teaching and the impact on learning and standards.

Evaluating and summarizing all aspects of the subject to define next steps for improvement.


Science Vision Statement

At Downe Manor Primary School, our vision is to provide children with a Science curriculum that enables them to explore and discover the world around them. To accomplish this, we aim to provide lessons rooted in scientific enquiry with practical hands-on experiences that encourage a deeper understanding and curiosity with questioning. We believe it is vital to promote and develop transferrable skills such as observation, communication and team work to evolve the whole child as a lifelong learner. Our objective is to provide lessons which consolidate prior knowledge, encourage deeper understanding and that are rooted in scientific vocabulary.

Science resources to support learning

The purpose of these resource links are to provide resources to support pupil's knowledge of the different fields of science they are studying in school whilst completing home learning. Some of the information in the learning below is part of our curriculum learning and some of it is not, but we believe the learning below will continue to build pupils scientific knowledge beyond what they learn in school. 

Science for years 1 and 2

Science for years 3, 4, 5 and 6

Year group

Additional Resources- Click on the links for additional resources

Year 3





Year 4

Human Body




States of Matter

Year 5



Changes of Materials

Year 6




Click here for the long term plan