Downe Manor Primary School

Downe Manor, where everybody has the opportunity to be inspired to reach their full potential through memorable learning experiences

Lunch Menu

 Click on links below for menus

School Meals at Downe Manor Primary School are provided by Chartwells, an external catering company.   The cost of a school meal is £2.99p however, pupils in Reception to year 6 are currently entitled to universal free school meals. Children that attend full time nursery will be charged for meals if they choose to have one, or they can bring a packed lunch, as this age group doees not qualify for universal free school meals. School meals must be paid weekly in advance via Arbor.  Thank you for your support. 

Click here for September 24- October 24 Menu

Click here for School Food Standards

To pay for your child's school meals, please visit Arbor

There is more information in our Food Policy and our Packed Lunch Policy to help you provide a healthy lunch for your child, you will find this under our useful information tab in our policies.