Computing & E-safety
Intent, Implementation, and Impact Statement for Computing
At Downe Manor Primary School, we understand that a high-quality Computing education is essential for pupils to understand modern information and communication technologies (ICT), and for them to use these skills to become responsible, competent, confident and creative participants of an increasingly digital world.
Knowledge and understanding of ICT is of increasing importance for pupil’s futures; both at home and for future employment in the world of work.
Downe Manor Primary we use NCCE Teach Computing as a scheme of learning. The Computing curriculum is designed to enable children to develop skills across four programmes of study for each year group Year 1-6: Computing systems and networks, Creating Media, Programming and Data and Information.
As children progress through the school they revisit computing knowledge to ensure that learning is embedded, and skills are successfully developed. In Early Years, children will be introduced to various computing skills through technical toys and the exploration of construction and other practical resources
The Downe Manor Primary computing curriculum enables children to see that computing can be used creatively within all areas of learning. Also, they will understand the importance that computing and digital technology have in their future outside of the classroom. As children move through the school they revisit the key computing strands to ensure learning is embedded. Pupils will be given the opportunities to use this key computing vocabulary/language in discussions. Pupils will have knowledge of how to communicate online and keep themselves safe while doing so. On completion of each project, teachers will assess pupils against the National Curriculum Objectives.